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Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

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You will be administered anesthesia to ensure your comfort during the procedure.

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Dr. Domanski will make incisions in strategic locations to minimize visible scarring.

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Long-term care

Scars will continue to fade for up to a year. You should maintain a stable weight to preserve the results.

Abdominoplasty also more commonly known as a tummy tuck is a powerful procedure that requires an incision and a longer recovery. 

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty), when performed by a skilled plastic surgeon, can provide long-lasting results. Maintaining a stable weight and following a healthy lifestyle can help preserve the results for decades to come.


Preop: Dr. Domanski will review the goals of the procedure a final time the morning of surgery. With the patient’s input, Dr. Domanski will draw on the skin to establish incision placement, and parts of the body to focus on. This is the final part of creating a customized surgical plan – a process that began with the first consultation.

Anesthesia: On the day of the surgery, you will be administered anesthesia to ensure your comfort during the procedure. The type of anesthesia used may vary, and it will be discussed and determined during the preoperative planning stage.

Incision Placement: Dr. Domanski will make incisions in strategic locations to minimize visible scarring. The incision pattern depends on the extent of correction needed and can vary from a horizontal incision above the pubic area to a longer incision extending from hip to hip. Dr. Domanski will discuss the specific incision plan with you prior to the procedure.

Tissue Separation and Muscle Repair: Dr. Domanski surgeon will carefully separate the skin from the underlying abdominal muscles. If you have diastasis recti (separation of abdominal muscles), Dr. Domanski will suture the muscles together, tightening them and restoring core strength.

Removal of Excess Skin and Fat: Dr. Domanski will remove the excess skin and fat from the abdominal area. This may involve liposuction to further contour the waistline and achieve a more sculpted appearance.

Navel Repositioning: In most cases, the navel (belly button) may need to be repositioned to maintain a natural-looking result. Dr. Domanski will create a new opening for the navel and suture it in place.

Skin Redraping and Closure: The remaining skin is repositioned and redraped over the newly contoured abdomen. The surgeon will carefully close the incisions with sutures, adhesive, or surgical tape.

Drain Placement: In many cases, small drains are placed under the skin to collect excess fluid. These drains help to reduce swelling and promote proper healing. Your surgeon will provide instructions on drain care and removal. While some patients do not need drains, postoperative drains are the most popular option for reducing swelling.

Dressings and Compression Garment: After the surgery, dressings or bandages will be applied to the incision sites. You’ll likely be instructed to wear a compression garment, called an abdominal binder, to minimize swelling, support the surgical area, and facilitate optimal healing.

Recovery and Follow-up: You’ll be closely monitored in a recovery area following the surgery. Dr. Domanski will provide detailed post-operative instructions, including information on pain management, wound care, activity restrictions, and follow-up appointments.

Tummy tuck vs liposuction?

If you have loose skin and stretched muscles in addition to excess fat, a tummy tuck may be more appropriate as it can address these concerns simultaneously. However, if your primary concern is isolated fat deposits and you have good skin elasticity, liposuction may be a suitable option.

A tummy tuck is a more powerful procedure. However, a tummy tuck requires a longer recovery and has an incision. Liposuction has shorter recovery, and no incisions other that access ports.

Often, liposuction is combined with a tummy tuck. The tummy tuck will address diathesis recti, or abdominal budge, and extra abdominal skin. Liposuction will target the flanks, to eliminate the muffin top appearance, and provide a snatched waistline.


People work hard to have flat bellies. Sometimes a 10-pound baby has other ideas. Sometimes it is more than one baby.

During pregnancy, the rectus (six pack) muscles spread apart to create more intra-abdominal space. Afterwards the rectus muscles can stay spread apart. This spreading due to stretching of the tendon between the muscles. Exercise will strengthen the muscles, but not tighten the space between them. This stretching is called diasthesis recti and can lead to a stubborn pouch that does not go away.

Skin also stretches during pregnancy. Exercise will not remove extra skin, but exercise will improve tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) results. Diet and weight loss can reduce intra-abdominal visceral fat (fat deep to the muscles) which will improve the amount a diasthesis recti can be tightened. Weight loss prior to a tummy tuck can also increase the amount of skin that is excised.

Here are some reasons why women may consider undergoing tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty:

Post-pregnancy changes: After pregnancy, women may experience significant changes in the abdominal area. Abdominoplasty can address issues such as stretched abdominal muscles, excess skin, and stubborn fat deposits, helping to restore a flatter and more toned abdomen.

Excess skin and loose tissues: Significant weight loss, whether through pregnancy, dieting, or bariatric surgery, can lead to loose skin and tissues around the abdomen. Abdominoplasty can remove this excess skin and tighten the underlying muscles, resulting in a smoother and firmer abdominal contour.

Diastasis recti repair: Diastasis recti is a condition where the abdominal muscles separate, often occurring during pregnancy. This separation can result in a protruding abdomen or “mommy pooch.” Abdominoplasty can address diastasis recti by tightening the abdominal muscles, improving core strength and appearance.

Improved body contour: Abdominoplasty can help women achieve a more aesthetically pleasing body contour. By removing excess skin and fat, the procedure can create a flatter and more sculpted abdomen, enhancing the overall body shape and silhouette.

Clothing options: Loose abdominal skin and a protruding abdomen can make it difficult to find clothing that fits well. Abdominoplasty can expand the options for clothing choices, allowing women to wear more form-fitting outfits and enjoy a wider range of styles.

Correcting the effects of aging: With age, the abdominal area may experience sagging skin and weakened muscles. Abdominoplasty can reverse these effects, providing a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance to the abdomen.

Functional benefits: In some cases, excess abdominal skin and weakened muscles can cause physical discomfort, such as back pain or rashes. Abdominoplasty can alleviate these discomforts, improving overall physical well-being.

Motivation for a healthier lifestyle: For some women, undergoing abdominoplasty can serve as a catalyst for adopting a healthier lifestyle. After investing in the procedure, individuals may feel motivated to maintain their results by engaging in regular exercise and following a balanced diet.

A snatched waist: A “snatched waist” refers to a slim, well-defined waistline that appears highly sculpted or cinched, creating an hourglass figure. The term “snatched” implies that the waist appears noticeably smaller and tightly defined, creating a contrast with the hips and bust.

Long-lasting results: Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty), when performed by a skilled plastic surgeon, can provide long-lasting results. Maintaining a stable weight and following a healthy lifestyle can help preserve the results for decades to come.


Your suitability for abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) will be determined by Dr. Mark Domanski during your consultation. However, there are certain factors that generally make a woman a good candidate for the procedure. These factors include:

Excess skin and/or fat in the abdominal area: Women who have significant amounts of loose or sagging skin, particularly in the lower abdomen, may benefit from an abdominoplasty. This could be due to factors such as pregnancy, weight loss, or aging.

Diastasis recti: Diastasis recti is a condition where the abdominal muscles separate, often occurring during pregnancy. Women with this condition may find that an abdominoplasty can help repair and tighten the abdominal muscles, improving both appearance and function.

Stable weight: It is generally recommended that candidates for abdominoplasty have achieved a stable weight before considering the procedure. Significant weight fluctuations after the surgery can affect the long-term results.

Good overall health: Women considering abdominoplasty should be in good overall health. This ensures that they can undergo the surgical procedure safely and have a reduced risk of complications. Pre-existing medical conditions should be discussed with the plastic surgeon during the consultation.

Non-smoker or willing to quit smoking: Smoking can increase the risk of complications during surgery and impair the healing process. Ideally, women should be non-smokers or willing to quit smoking for a significant period before and after the procedure.

Realistic expectations: It’s important for candidates to have realistic expectations about the outcome of abdominoplasty. While the procedure can provide significant improvements to the abdominal area, it’s important to understand that a tummy tuck is works best in combination with a healthy lifestyle.

Completed childbearing: Women who plan to have future pregnancies will be advised to postpone abdominoplasty until they have finished having children. Pregnancy after the procedure will impact the surgical results.

The right time: While somebody can have more pregnancies after a tummy tuck, its best to wait till no more children are planned. We recommend that a woman’s weight is stable for at least 6 months. For many moms, it often takes up to a year. Candidates should have somebody to help take care of their children in the two weeks after the procedure.

Commitment to post-operative care: Abdominoplasty requires a period of recovery and post-operative care. Candidates should be willing to follow the surgeon’s instructions regarding activity restrictions, wound care, and follow-up appointments to optimize their healing and achieve the best possible outcome.


Before and after results of our procedures.

Before Image After Image


Going home: Patients need to be driven home by a responsible adult. Pain medication will be prescribed to manage any post-operative pain. We recommend patients pick up their pain medication prior to their surgery.

Night after Surgery: We recommend patients sleep with multiple pillows or in a sofa chair. The goal is to keep the midsection flexed to minimize pull on the incision line. Dr. Domanski uses long-acting numbing medication to minimize discomfort.

First Week: The first week following surgery is the most important to ensuring an optimal result. This week is also the most challenging in terms of discomfort and limited mobility. You’ll be advised to take it easy and avoid strenuous activities. You may need assistance with daily tasks during this time.

Two to four weeks: Swelling and bruising will start to subside, and you may begin to feel more comfortable. You may wear a compression garment to support the surgical area and help minimize swelling. You should continue to avoid strenuous activities and follow your surgeon’s instructions for gradually increasing your activity level.

Six weeks: Most patients are able to resume light activities and return to work within six weeks, depending on the physical demands of their job. However, it’s important to note that everyone heals at their own pace, and your specific recovery timeline may vary. You will already notice a significant improvement in your abdominal contour.

Three to six months: By this time, the swelling should have subsided, and the incisions will continue to heal and fade.

Long-term care: Scars will continue to fade for up to a year. You should maintain a stable weight to preserve the results. Regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle are important for long-term success.

Why us?

With over 70 plastic surgeons in the area, patients choose Dr. Domanski because they trust him. We believe you will not find a more honest surgeon than Dr. Domanski.

“Be Yourself,
Everyone Else Is Taken.”

– Oscar Wilde



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