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Lift (Mastopexy)

anesthesia icon


The surgery begins with the administration of general anesthesia.

incision icon


The surgeon will determine the appropriate incision pattern based on your specific needs and goals.

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Incisions made during a breast lift will fade and improve over time.

pain management icon

Pain and discomfort

Some pain, swelling, and discomfort are common.

Breast lift surgery, also known as mastopexy, is a cosmetic procedure designed to raise and reshape sagging breasts.

A breast lift is performed by reducing excess skin and lifting the breast back onto the center of the chest. A breast lift is done to make the breast “perky” again.


While the specific technical steps of a mastopexy (breast lift) can vary depending on the individual case and surgeon’s approach, here is a general overview of the procedure:

Anesthesia: The surgery begins with the administration of general anesthesia.

Incision placement: The surgeon will determine the appropriate incision pattern based on your specific needs and goals. The three common incision patterns used in a breast lift are:

  • Anchor or inverted-T incision: This incision is made around the areola, vertically down from the areola to the breast crease, and horizontally along the breast crease. It is suitable for individuals with significant breast sagging.
  • Lollipop or vertical incision: This incision involves a circular incision around the areola and a vertical incision extending down to the breast crease. It is used for moderate breast sagging.
  • Donut or periareolar incision: This incision is made around the areola only and is suitable for individuals with mild breast sagging.

Reshaping and repositioning: After making the incisions, the surgeon will lift and reshape the breast tissue to a more youthful position. The underlying breast tissue is repositioned higher on the chest wall to create a lifted appearance. The surgeon may also remove excess skin and, if necessary, resize and reposition the nipple and areola to a higher position on the breast mound.

Closing incisions: Once the desired reshaping and repositioning are achieved, the surgeon will close the incisions using sutures. In most cases, absorbable sutures will be used. The incision lines are closed in layers to provide support and minimize tension on the skin.

Dressings and recovery: Following the closure of the incisions, the surgeon will apply surgical dressings or bandages to protect the incision sites. Depending on the surgical technique and surgeon’s preference, drainage tubes may be inserted temporarily to remove any excess fluid or blood. A surgical bra, with clasps at the shoulders and between the breasts is applied.

Post-operative care and monitoring: After the surgery, the patient is taken to a recovery area where they are monitored as the effects of anesthesia wear off. Some discomfort, swelling, and bruising, are normal after a breast lift. Pain medication and cold compresses may be provided to manage any pain or swelling.


Breast lift surgery, also known as mastopexy, is a cosmetic procedure designed to raise and reshape sagging breasts. A breast lift is performed by reducing excess skin and lifting the breast back onto the center of the chest. A breast lift is done to make the breast “perky” again.

Here are some of the key benefits of breast lift surgery:

Improved breast position and shape: The primary goal of a breast lift is to lift the breasts to a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing position. The procedure removes excess skin, tightens the surrounding tissue, and reshapes the breast to create a more youthful contour. This can help restore a more attractive and natural breast shape.

Reduction in the size of the areola: The areola is the pigmented circular skin that surrounds the nipple. With time, the size of the areola stretches out. During a breast lift, the nipple size is reduced to a more youthful size. A common size of the nipple after a breast lift is 42 millimeters. The exact size of the areola will depend on the tissue present and aesthetics of the breast.

Correction of breast sagging: Breast sagging, also known as ptosis, can occur due to factors such as aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, or genetic predisposition. Breast ptosis is graded on a scale of 1 to 3 depending on the location of the nipple in relation to the inframammary fold, or inferior breast crease. Pseudoptosis is a condition where the nipple is in the proper position but the glandular portion of the breast hangs below the inframammary fold. A breast lift can effectively address moderate to severe breast sagging by repositioning the nipple and areola higher on the breast mound. This can result in a firmer, perkier breast appearance.

Restored breast symmetry: Breast asymmetry is a common concern for many individuals. A breast lift can help improve breast symmetry by lifting and reshaping both breasts in a symmetrical manner. The surgeon can adjust the size, shape, and position of the breasts to create a more balanced and proportionate appearance.

Enhanced self-confidence and body image: For individuals who feel self-conscious or unhappy about sagging breasts, a breast lift can have a significant positive impact on their self-confidence and body image. By restoring a more youthful breast appearance, individuals often experience increased self-esteem and feel more comfortable in their clothing and daily activities.

Potential combination with other procedures: Breast lift surgery can be combined with other procedures such as a breast augmentation, depending on the individual’s desired outcome. This allows for a comprehensive enhancement of the breasts, addressing both volume and sagging issues simultaneously.


A good candidate for a breast lift is typically an individual who is in good health and desires more “perky” breasts. Here are some general factors that contribute to being a suitable candidate for a breast lift:

Breast sagging: The individual should have noticeable breast sagging, also known as breast ptosis. This is characterized by breasts that have lost their firmness, shape, and position on the chest wall. The nipple and areola may have descended below the breast crease or point downward.

Stable weight: It is generally recommended that candidates for a breast lift have a stable weight. Significant weight fluctuations can affect breast shape and volume, so it’s important that your weight has stabilized before undergoing the procedure.

Good overall health: Candidates should be in good overall health, both physically and mentally, to undergo surgery and anesthesia. It’s essential to disclose any medical conditions, allergies, or previous surgeries to your plastic surgeon during the consultation.

Non-smoker: Smoking can impair the healing process and increase the risk of complications. Candidates for a breast lift should be non-smokers or willing to quit smoking for a certain period before and after the surgery.

Realistic expectations: It’s crucial for candidates to have realistic expectations about the outcomes of a breast lift. They should understand that the procedure is intended to lift and reshape the breasts rather than significantly increase breast size. If a patient desires increased breast size, a breast augmentation, or a mastopexy augmentation may be a better option.

Completion of childbearing: While a breast lift does not prevent future pregnancies or breastfeeding, it is generally recommended that individuals postpone the procedure until they have completed their desired family planning. Pregnancy and breastfeeding will affect breast shape and skin elasticity, potentially compromising the outcomes of the surgery.


Before and after results of our procedures.

Before Image After Image


The recovery period after a breast lift (mastopexy) can vary from person to person, but here are some general aspects to expect:

Immediate post-operative period: After the surgery, you will be taken to a recovery area where you will be monitored as you wake up from anesthesia. You may experience some grogginess, and there may be bandages or dressings on your breasts to protect the incision sites.

Pain and discomfort: Some pain, swelling, and discomfort are common after a breast lift. Dr. Domanski minimizes pain by using long-acting local anesthetics while someone is under general anesthesia. When the patient wakes up from general anesthesia, the local anesthesia may last till the next day. This dramatically reduces the amount of pain medications that patients require.

Swelling and bruising: Swelling and bruising are to be expected after a breast lift and can last for a few weeks. Swelling may be more pronounced in the first week and gradually decrease over time. Applying cold compresses and keeping the upper body elevated can help minimize swelling.

Restricted activities: It’s important to avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and any activities that strain the chest muscles during the initial recovery period.

Supportive garments: We recommend patients wear a supportive bra to help reduce swelling, provide comfort, and support the healing breasts. We discourage the use of underwire bras as the wire can place pressure on the incision. Initially, a surgical bra is used. A surgical bra is no different from a regular bra other than it has claps over the shoulders and between the breasts. These extra claps help getting in and out of the bra easier. After about a week, patients may transition to a sports bra.

Follow-up appointments: Patients will have several follow-up appointments to monitor healing progress and assess the outcome of the procedure. The first follow up appointment serves to confirm that there is no evidence of infection, and that the patient understands their recovery instructions. The second visit confirms that incisions have healed. The final visit serves as a debrief, to review the results and what was accomplished.

Scarring: Incisions made during a breast lift will fade and improve over time. Dr. Domanski will provide instructions on scar care and scar creams to promote healing and minimize the appearance of the incisions.

Final results: The final results of a breast lift will gradually become more apparent as the swelling subsides and the breasts settle into their new position. A common question is “how many years do the results of a breast lift last?” While the convey belt of time does not stop, we believe a breast lift can rewind it. Breast lift results are long lasting and breast lifts are among our most popular procedure.

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With over 70 plastic surgeons in the area, patients choose Dr. Domanski because they trust him. We believe you will not find a more honest surgeon than Dr. Domanski.

“Be Yourself,
Everyone Else Is Taken.”

– Oscar Wilde



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