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After Massive Weight Loss

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Excess Skin

One of the most common concerns after significant weight loss is excess skin.

body contouring

Body Contouring

Consider body contouring procedures to remove excess skin and reshape their bodies.

well being

Emotional Well-being

Weight loss can significantly impact a person’s mental and emotional well-being.

After achieving massive weight loss, patients may have several concerns related to both their physical and psychological well-being.

After significant weight loss, excess skin can be found in various areas of the body. The specific locations where excess skin tends to occur can vary from person to person.

Common Concerns

After achieving massive weight loss, patients may have several concerns related to both their physical and psychological well-being. Some common concerns include:

Excess Skin: One of the most common concerns after significant weight loss is excess skin. When a person loses a substantial amount of weight, the skin may not shrink back to its original shape and size, resulting in loose, sagging skin in various parts of the body. This can cause discomfort, difficulty finding clothing that fits properly, and self-esteem issues.

Body Contouring: Many individuals who have experienced massive weight loss may consider body contouring procedures to remove excess skin and reshape their bodies.

Emotional Well-being: Weight loss can significantly impact a person’s mental and emotional well-being. Some individuals may struggle with body image issues, feeling self-conscious or dissatisfied with their appearance despite their achievement.

Excess Skin after Massive Weight Loss

After significant weight loss, excess skin can be found in various areas of the body. The specific locations where excess skin tends to occur can vary from person to person, depending on factors such as the amount of weight lost, individual body composition, and genetic predisposition. Here are some common areas where patients may experience excess skin after massive weight loss:

Abdomen: The abdominal area is a common site for excess skin after weight loss. The skin in this area may become stretched and loose, especially if there was a significant amount of fat accumulation in the abdomen.

Breasts and Chest: Both men and women may experience excess skin in the breast and chest area. In women, the breasts may sag or lose volume, and excess skin may be present around the chest. Women may be interested in a skin reduction as well as volume augmentation. In men, massive weight loss can result in excess skin and tissue on the chest. For men, skin reduction needs to take into account the location of the nipple to balance contour and a natural, masculine look.

Upper Arms: Excess skin can accumulate in the upper arms, resulting in a “batwing” appearance. The skin in this area may become loose and saggy, particularly if there was a substantial loss of fat.

Thighs: Excess skin can be found in the inner and outer thighs. The skin in these areas may hang or create a “saddlebag” appearance due to the loss of fat and reduced elasticity.

Buttocks: Weight loss can lead to excess skin in the buttocks region, resulting in a drooping or sagging appearance. This can affect both the upper and lower buttocks.

Face and Neck: Excess skin in the face and neck can cause sagging jowls, a double chin, or a lack of definition in the jawline. This can be particularly noticeable in individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight.

Hips and Flanks: Excess skin may be present in the hip and flank area, often referred to as “love handles.” The skin in these areas may hang or fold due to the loss of fat and reduced skin elasticity.

Common Plastic Surgery Procedures after Massive Weight Loss

After achieving massive weight loss, individuals may consider undergoing various plastic surgery procedures to address the excess skin and reshape their bodies. The specific procedures recommended will depend on the areas of concern and the individual’s goals. Here are some common plastic surgery procedures that patients may opt for after massive weight loss:

Body Lift: A body lift, also known as a belt lipectomy, is a comprehensive procedure that addresses excess skin and tissue around the abdomen, buttocks, hips, and thighs. It involves removing sagging skin and tightening the remaining skin to improve body contours.

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty): This procedure focuses specifically on the abdomen to remove excess skin and fat and tighten the abdominal muscles. It can help achieve a flatter and more toned abdomen.

Breast Lift (Mastopexy): A breast lift is performed to address sagging or drooping breasts due to excess skin and loss of breast volume. The procedure lifts and reshapes the breasts to create a more youthful appearance. In some cases, breast augmentation with implants may also be performed to restore volume.

Arm Lift (Brachioplasty): An arm lift targets excess skin and fat in the upper arms. It involves removing the excess skin and tightening the underlying tissues to create a more contoured arm appearance.

Thigh Lift (Thighplasty): This procedure is designed to address excess skin and fat in the inner and outer thighs. It involves removing the excess skin and lifting the remaining skin to improve thigh contours.

Face and Neck Lift: Excess skin in the face and neck can be addressed through facelift and neck lift procedures. These surgeries tighten the facial and neck tissues, remove sagging skin, and restore a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

Breast Reduction (Reduction Mammoplasty): In cases where excess skin and tissue in the breasts cause discomfort or functional issues, a breast reduction procedure may be recommended. It involves removing excess breast tissue, skin, and fat to reduce the size and improve breast shape.

Liposuction: While not specifically a procedure for excess skin, liposuction can be performed in conjunction with other surgeries to remove localized pockets of stubborn fat. It helps contour and enhance the results of body contouring procedures.

How is plastic surgery after massive weight loss different?

Plastic surgery for a patient who has undergone massive weight loss is different from a patient who has not experienced significant weight loss. After massive weight loss, skin elasticity is different. The blood vessels to the skin have been stretched and increase the risk of bleeding. Due to the multiple procedures required, an overnight hospital stay may be required. Another option is to stage the procedure 3 months apart. Simply put the care of the patient is more specialized in the following ways:

Excess Skin Removal: Massive weight loss patients typically have a significant amount of excess skin in various areas of the body. Procedures such as body lifts, tummy tucks, arm lifts, thigh lifts, and breast lifts focus on removing this excess skin and reshaping the body contours. These same procedures may be more involved and extensive than the exact same procedures on a patient who has always been at their goal weight.

Extended or Circumferential Procedures: Due to the distribution of excess skin in massive weight loss patients, plastic surgery procedures often involve extended or circumferential incisions. These incisions may encircle the body, such as in body lifts, or extend across multiple areas, allowing for comprehensive skin removal and body contouring. In patients without massive weight loss, the incisions are typically smaller and localized to specific areas being addressed.

Muscle Tightening: In massive weight loss patients, the underlying musculature may have become stretched or weakened. Plastic surgery procedures for these patients often involve muscle tightening, such as in tummy tucks or body lifts, to restore abdominal or core strength and improve body shape. Patients without significant weight loss may not require muscle tightening as part of their procedures.

Complex Surgical Plans: Due to the extent of excess skin and the number of areas affected, plastic surgery for massive weight loss patients often involves complex surgical plans. Multiple procedures may be combined into a single operation or performed in stages to achieve optimal results while minimizing risks and recovery time. This coordinated approach is less common in patients without massive weight loss.

Higher Surgical Risks: Massive weight loss patients may have specific considerations and potential risks related to their weight loss journey. These can include nutritional deficiencies, poor wound healing, higher risk of complications, and the need for additional medical evaluations and optimization before surgery. Plastic surgeons who specialize in post-weight loss body contouring are experienced in managing these risks and tailoring procedures accordingly.

Body Image and Emotional Considerations: Massive weight loss patients may have unique emotional and psychological factors related to their body image and self-esteem. Plastic surgeons working with these patients should be sensitive to these concerns, address their specific aesthetic goals, and provide appropriate counseling and support throughout the surgical process.


Before and after results of our procedures.

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Everyone Else Is Taken.”

– Oscar Wilde



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