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Arm Lift

anesthesia icon


Brachioplasty is typically performed under general anesthesia.

incision icon


The incision for a brachioplasty is typically made on the inner aspect of the upper arm, extending from the armpit to the elbow.

Swelling / bruising icon

Swelling and bruising

Swelling and bruising are common after brachioplasty.

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We provide our patients with scar cream as part of their procedure.

Brachioplasty, also known as an arm lift, is a surgical procedure aimed at improving the appearance of the upper arms.

By removing excess, loose, or sagging skin, the arms can appear more toned and youthful.


Anesthesia: Brachioplasty is typically performed under general anesthesia, which means you will be asleep and feel no pain during the procedure. The anesthesia will be administered by an anesthesiologist or a certified nurse anesthetist in either a hospital or certified surgery center.

Incision placement: The incision for a brachioplasty is typically made on the inner aspect of the upper arm, extending from the armpit to the elbow. Sometimes the incision is extended into the armpit depending on the patient’s needs. The length and pattern of the incision may vary depending on the amount of excess skin to be removed.

Tissue removal and contouring: After the incision is made, the surgeon will remove the excess skin and underlying tissue. In some cases, liposuction may be performed first to remove excess fat and help contour the arm. The remaining skin is then re-draped over the newly contoured arm.

Incision closure: Once the desired contour is achieved, the surgeon will close the incisions using sutures. The sutures are usually absorbable and placed underneath the skin. These sutures do not need to be removed. Incision management with dermabond or steri-strips may further reduce tension on the incision thus minimize scarring and achieving the best possible outcome.

Dressings and compression garments: After the surgery, the incisions will be covered with dressings, and a compression bandage will be applied to support the newly contoured arms, reduce swelling, and promote proper healing.


Brachioplasty, also known as an arm lift, is a surgical procedure aimed at improving the appearance of the upper arms. It offers several potential benefits, including:

Reduction of excess skin: Brachioplasty is primarily performed to remove excess, loose, or sagging skin in the upper arms. This is often a result of significant weight loss or natural aging. By removing the excess skin, the arms can appear more toned and youthful.

Improved arm contour: In addition to removing excess skin, brachioplasty can also address underlying fat deposits and reshape the arms. Liposuction may be performed in conjunction with the arm lift to further enhance the contour and definition of the arms.

Enhanced self-confidence: Excess skin and sagging arms can cause self-consciousness and hinder self-confidence, especially when it comes to wearing sleeveless or fitted clothing. Brachioplasty can help individuals feel more comfortable and confident in their appearance, allowing them to enjoy a wider range of clothing options.

Increased mobility and comfort: In some cases, significant amounts of excess skin can cause discomfort and restrict movement in the arms. By removing the excess skin, brachioplasty can improve mobility and alleviate discomfort or irritation caused by the skin folds.

Long-lasting results: The results of brachioplasty are generally long-lasting, especially when combined with a healthy lifestyle. While the natural aging process will continue, maintaining a stable weight and adopting a healthy exercise routine can help preserve the results over time.


A good candidate for brachioplasty, or arm lift surgery, typically exhibits the following characteristics:

Excess skin or sagging in the upper arms: Candidates for brachioplasty often have loose, hanging skin in the upper arms that may be a result of significant weight loss, aging, or genetic factors. This excess skin is resistant to improvement through exercise or non-surgical treatments.

Stable weight: It is generally recommended that candidates have achieved a stable weight before undergoing brachioplasty. Fluctuations in weight can affect the results of the surgery, so it is important to be at or near your target weight before considering the procedure.

Good overall health: Candidates for brachioplasty should be in good overall health. This includes being free from any significant medical conditions that could impair healing or increase the risk of complications. Certain risk factors for poor wound healing such as diabetes can be managed with preoperative medical optimization and a proper postoperative plan.

Realistic expectations: It’s crucial for candidates to have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the surgery. While brachioplasty can significantly improve the appearance of the arms, it is important to understand that it will result in a permanent scar along the inner aspect of the upper arms. While the scar is hidden in the brachial groove to make it as inconspicuous as possible. Candidates should be willing to accept this trade-off of a scar for improved aesthetics.

Commitment to post-operative care: Recovery after brachioplasty requires adherence to post-operative care such as wearing compression garments, taking prescribed medications, avoiding certain activities, and attending follow-up appointments. Candidates should be prepared to commit to these guidelines to ensure proper healing and maximize the results.


The recovery process after a brachioplasty, or arm lift surgery, can vary from individual to individual.

Immediate post-operative period: After the surgery, you will be monitored in a recovery area until the anesthesia wears off. You may experience some pain, swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treated area. Pain medication and antibiotics will be prescribed to manage pain and prevent infection. Patients go home the same day.

Compression garments: You will likely be instructed to wear a compression garment or bandage on your arms to minimize swelling, support the healing tissues, and help shape the arms. We allow our patients to take off their compression garments after their first office visit to shower. Patients may need a family member or friend help put their compression dressings back on after a shower.

Limiting arm movement: It is important to limit arm movement and avoid strenuous activities during the initial recovery phase. This will help protect the incision and minimize scarring.

Swelling and bruising: Swelling and bruising are common after brachioplasty. Keeping your arms elevated as much as possible can help reduce swelling. Cold compresses may also be recommended to alleviate swelling and discomfort.

Incision care: You will be provided instructions on how to care for your incisions. It may involve cleaning the incisions, applying topical ointments or dressings, and keeping the incisions dry. You may also be advised to avoid exposing the incisions to direct sunlight during the early healing stages. Sun exposure can increase the risk of hyper or hypopigmented scars. We provide our patients with scar cream as part of their procedure.

Follow-up appointments: You will have follow-up appointments to monitor your healing progress. The first appointment involves an initial dressing change and possible drain removal. The second appointment’s goal is to monitor healing, and look for any signs of seroma. Our final appointment after three months serves as an opportunity to review before and after pictures and evaluate the results.

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