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Plastic Surgery – Fake, Dangerous and Expensive? A Plastic Surgeon’s Perspective.

If there is an elephant in the room – introduce it.  So her are my thoughts about the most common fears about plastic surgery.


We have all seen celebrities who have had – a bit too much.  I think that plastic surgery is best when it enhances what we already have.  Did you know I botox/dysport my forehead?

I don’t want patients to be asked: “Where did you get the work done?”  I prefer people to say, “Where did you go on vacation?  You look refreshed.”


Safety is something I take very seriously.  If a patient has a bad day, I have a bad day too.  I like to have good days.

Plastic surgeons complete a minimum of six years of surgical training after residency.  I completed eight because I completed both ENT and plastic surgery training.  Plastic surgeons are trained to take care of people after serious injuries such as motorcycle wrecks.  The skills acquired in reconstructive procedures provide an additional layer of safety in aesthetic surgery.

Operating only in certified surgery centers is a requirement of the American Board of Plastic Surgery. The Board further requires that each plastic surgeon maintain admitting privileges at a hospital.  This is essential to care for patients if the need arises.  It’s an important level of safety.

Have I turned patients down because I thought they were a poor medical candidate?  Yes I have, and I never regretted it.


Plastic surgery is obviously more expensive than daily consumer items.  However nobody questions the purchase of a luxury automobile, a European cruise, or even a designer handbag.  These purchases make plastic surgery an affordable luxury by comparison.  Like with other items, financing is available.

Dr. Domanski
Curve Accent


Focusing on natural results, Dr. Domanski believes in helping patients regain control over their bodies.

Dr. Mark Domanski is a Double-Board certified Plastic Surgeon. Dr. Domanski is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery.

He has been recognized as a “Top Doctor” by Washingtonian Magazine, Northern Virginia Magazine and DC Modern Luxury magazine. However, Dr. Domanski’s favorite accolade is his Most Compassionate Doctor award by Patient’s Choice.

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